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Words and Music by Paul Glover
© 2013 All Rights Reserved
Mainstream Hip Hop – World Music Hit
African style with Eastern Indian Blessing
English & Swahili
Respect that Earth is alive
With our essence to survive
The source of all is soul inside
Sacred breath gives us life
Yin and yang and dark and light
Mother Earth and Spirit Light
Revealing keys of life we seek
The Earth does speak
Welcome our friends
Mountains grasslands
Rivers lakes and seas
Deserts jungles
Glaciers swamps and trees
Creatures reptiles
Fishes birds in the sky
Insects microbes
Swim crawl walk and fly
Namaste namaste
Thank you for our home
Namaste namaste
Thank you for our home
Our Earth shares tranquility
Beauty and harmony
Sacred places codes that fire
Inside us all to take us higher
Awakening from our souls
With millions more
We move the whole
The more we know
hear and see
Earth sets us free
Welcome our friends
Crops rainbows
Days nights and skies above
People thoughts
Feelings dreams and
our love
Earth water fire and air
Only Love can take us there
Pyramids aligned with stars
We must take care of
What is ours
Namaste namaste
Thank you for our home
Namaste namaste
Thank you for our home
Elementals essentials
Fairies pixies angels
Raindrops waterfalls
Whales dolphins teach us all
Moon and tides ocean rides
Make our dreams come to life
Live or die laugh or cry
Remember that I Love You
Namaste namaste
Thank you for our home
Namaste namaste
Thank you for our home