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EV Tribal

EV Tribal

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Words and Music by Paul Glover
© 2016 All Rights Reserved
World Music Pop Hit

Everybody is One and all is everyone
And it’s not by chance everyone has come
Now in every moment we are filled with the Source
As the Source shines on we all shine of course

Everybody needs a chance
So give everyone a chance

Everything’s to know and everything is a thought
And through every thought everything is brought
Ever more we know and that’s how we grow
So think DIVINE and help us every time

Everybody needs a chance
So give everyone a chance

Take our brothers off the street
With nowhere to go and nothing to eat
Help our brothers who’re sick in bed
Put some love back in his head
Love our planet and creatures too
All the children of the world need me and you

Have a piece of joy and have joy and peace
As it flows from the middle you’re the middle piece
Out to everyone and every sun
And the son of everyone is where we all come from

Now Through every land give a helping hand
Till every hand is helped though every land
As everybody helps everyone
Everyone is a help till we’re all done

Everybody needs a chance
So give everyone a chance

Everybody needs a chance
So give everyone a chance

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